Sunday, January 25, 2015

Pink Champagne on Ice

My body is exhausted from hiking in the sun. I think I have a light sunburn from all the smooches it laid on my face. I'll keep this brief because I have photos to edit. By edit I mean delete 99% of them and hold on to the two or three that came out well enough to keep.

I overdosed on beauty today. It only took an all-day trip to Bodega Bay to do it. Within the first two hours I completely lost count of how many times I'd uttered the phrase "wow" aloud. Soon it became my mantra, slipping through my lips unconsciously at every new vista, sometimes as a sustained woooooooooow. In truth, I went north in search of beauty, driving aimlessly through the area armed with a pair of bananas and a camera lens. Speaking of, I've decided I desperately need a zoom lens. I've known it for quite some time, but I've managed to get by using my 24 and 55mm. The time has come though for something in the 100-200mm range. There were countless times today that I needed to get closer and had no way to bridge the gap. I will begin the requisite research; hunting down reviews; scouring the internet for images captured with each lens paired with my camera body; fretting about costs; convincing myself and unconvincing myself to make the purchase. It will be grand.

The drive home was as gorgeous as the trip itself. It renewed my love affair with California. While New York Shitty prepares for a blizzard the likes of which it has never seen, I was cruising the curvy open road with the windows down, playing my music loud on Highway 1. When I got close to the Golden Gate Bridge I saw a flowery pink sky reflected against the bay. It's hard to describe what it looked like exactly.

It looked surreal; like pink champagne on ice.

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