Thursday, January 29, 2015


I spent the evening reading and playing guitar. My fingers are sore and out of shape. If my guitar were a lady she'd be feeling unfulfilled and dissatisfied tonight, offended by my paltry performance and my lack of longevity. Luckily for me my guitar is a man, named Julio. I fingered his wood good; real good. A friend just texted me, just as I laid down, asking me to meet at a nearby bar. I would have liked to, as a show of solidarity and cordiality, but the effort required to wrestle myself free from warm sheets and horizontal repose is just too much. It's Newtonian - an object at rest remains at rest - and I am not one to defy the laws of physics.

I feel like the whole "objects in motion remaining in motion" bit is a little mendacious; it just sounds cool. There's something soothing and gratifying about it, like a cat's purring. But once you get passed the warm and fuzzies and consider the eventual cessation of cosmic expansion, followed by the inevitable collapse, something seems wrong. I guess the outside force acting on the universe could be the universe itself. I mean, we often serve as an outside force against ourselves; stopping and starting motions seemingly of our own volition. 

Quietus interruptus. 

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