Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Like Fog Creeping

A discarded couch, cast out upon a sidewalk - that once night had fallen -
became a bed to a man 
without a home. 

A woman 
by a stoplight
Crying in her car. 

Petulant dark and light keys,
painfully pressed,
by somber saccharine fingers. 

The damp breath of a finely aged fear hangs around my neck 
like a musty scarf -

Like fog creeping,
seeking shelter amongst trees -

a struggle toward sleep.

Women with lips drawn like bows -

Enchantresses beguiling like sirens -

Inside their mouths hidden 
Tempestuous tongues dancing, 

Maladies and manias fill our days,
Love and loss - 
our weeks -
Change and remembrance: years
Our lives; searching for solace from fear. 

seeking shelter amongst the trees.

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